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Concha Buika - Mi Niña Lola "A Mi Manera"

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The Animatrix - Soundtrack

The Animatrix - Soundtrack

1.Who Am I? (Animatrix Edit) - Peace Orchestra
2.Big Wednesday - Free*Land
3.Blind Tiger - Layo & Bushwacka!
4.Under the Gun - Supreme Beings of Leisure
5.Martenot Waves - Meat Beat Manifesto
6.Ren 2 - Photek
7.Hands Around My Throat - Death In Vegas
8.Beauty Never Fades (Animatrix Edit) - Junkie XL
9.Supermoves (Animatrix Remix) - Overseer
10.Conga Fury (Animatrix Mix) - Juno Reactor
11.Red Pill, Blue Pill - Junkie XL/Don Davis
12.The Real - Tech Itch/Don Davis

A great match of music and animation with this two-pack from the creators of The Matrix trilogy. Nine groundbreaking short films from seven of the world's leading anime directors and 12 tracks from the hottest names in electronica music.

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